We've designed our new cycle jerseys for the Pedal & Post team for 2019/2020 and we're excited, not only because they look amazing but that we have some space available on the jerseys for sponsorship. The couriers are keen for the jerseys to give off a professional cycling image whilst also promoting and talking about the brands who choose to come on board.
We had planned to do this a number of years ago and received a lot of interest at the time but we didn't get to the stage of ordering the jerseys and became very busy and it slipped down our to do list, which was a real shame but this is the year!
Our team is out on Oxfords roads 5 days a week and visible to thousands across the day as our cargo bikes and e-cargo trike really do turn heads as we ride around. We also deliver to hundreds of people, business's and public bodies from hospitals to offices to industrial units so we can give visibility to a brand/business like no other cycle jersey could.
Not only this but Pedal & Post's core ethos is to move goods in a sustainable way. We've inspired people to what's possible with cargo bikes and we're a company changing how we move goods within a dense urban city, pioneering green innovation in the logistics industry and giving a green image to any potential sponsor
We have a number of slots on the jersey so if you would be interested please get in touch with us for costings (or we would happily look at exchanges like a supply of food or coffee would be great that would support our team on their deliveries!)